发布时间:2015-10-29 浏览次数:




电话:025-84395311 E-mailcotton@njau.edu.cn



1986.03-1988.11 南京农业大学农学院助教


1992.07-1994.11 南京农业大学农学院副教授

1992.09-1993.09 德国鲁尔大学农业生物技术博士后

1994.12- 南京农业大学农学院教授

1997.05- 南京农业大学农学院教授,博士生导师

2002.4- 南京农业大学国家重点实验室主任


2003.02至今 国际棉花基因组计划(ICGI) 协调委员会委员兼结构基因组研究工作组主席

2002.02至今 ICGI国际研讨会国际组委会委员

2006.09至今 江苏省遗传学会理事长

2001.08至今 中国棉花学会副理事长。


主要从事棉花育种目标性状的基因与基因组学研究,种质资源遗传基础与创新,及作物育种新方法和新品种选育等科学研究工作。在棉花遗传学及分子育种研究领域整体居国内领先,国际先进水平。研究结果已在Plant Biotechnol J, Plos One, GeneticsBMC GenomicsChromosomaPlant Mol BiolTheor Appl Genet等国际核心刊物上发表SCI论文100多篇,在Web of Science 数据库近10 (2002-2011)全球棉花发文量作者统计中,排名第一。单篇最高他引85次,得到国内外同行高度关注。致力于将棉花基因组研究的理论与技术用于新材料创制和新品种培育与利用研究。近10年育成南农早(2002年国审)、南抗3(2001年苏审、2005年国审)、南农6(2005年国审)、南农10(2008年国审)等棉花新品种12, 南农系列品种累计推广3000 多万亩,产生了显著的经济和社会效益,同时也推动了棉花种业的迅速发展。其中,转基因抗虫杂交棉南抗3的推广利用是长江流域棉区以国产抗虫杂交棉取代美国抗虫棉的3个主要品种之一。研究成果获授权专利7项,获国家奖2项,省部级一、二等奖8项。出版杂交棉育种的理论与实践等专著2,主编作物育种学总论等教材2,参编著作和教材10多部。荣获新世纪百千万人才工程国家级人选(2006)、第三期江苏省“333高层次人才培养工程突出贡献奖(2011) 江苏省第二届江苏创新创业人才奖”(2007) 江苏省先进工作者”(2006)江苏省师德先进个人”(2006)等称号。领导的棉花的基因组学与分子育种创新团队获农业部农业科研杰出人才及其创新团队2012)。


1. Zhang TZ*, Hu Y*, Jiang WK*, Fang L*, Guan XY*, Chen JD*, Zhang JB, Saski C, Scheffler BE, Stelly DM, Hulse-Kemp AM, Wan Q, Liu BL, Liu CX, Wang S, Pan MQ, Wang YK, Wang DW, Ye WX, Chang LJ, Zhang WP, Song QX, Kirkbride R, Chen XY, Dennis E, Llewellyn DJ, Peterson DG, Thaxton P, Jones DC, Wang Q, Xu XY, Zhang H, Wu HT, Zhou L, Mei GF, Chen SQ, Tian Y, Xiang D, Li XH, Ding J, Zuo QY, Tao LN, Liu YC, Li J, Lin Y, Hui YY, Cao ZS, Cai CP, Zhu XF, Jiang Z, Zhou BL, Guo WZ*, Li RQ*, Chen ZJ*.Sequencing of allotetraploid cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L. acc. TM-1) provides a resource for fibre improvement. Nature Biotechnology 2015, 33: 531-537 DOI:10.1038/nbt.3207.

2. Wang Sen*, Jiedan Chen*, Wenpan Zhang, Yan Hu, Lijing Chang, Lei Fang, Qun Wan, Qiong Wang, Wenhua Liang, Gaofu Mei, Mengqiao Pan, Shuqi Chen, Caiping Cai, Xiefei Zhu, Baoliang Zhou, Wangzhen Guo, and Tianzhen Zhang. Structure variations and evolution of allopolyploidy cotton genomes. Genome Biology 2015, 16:108; DOI: 10.1186/s13059-015-0678-1

3. Wang Qiong*, Lei Fang*, Jiedan Chen, Yan Hu, Zhanfeng Si, Sen Wang, Lijing Chang, Wangzhen Guo, Tianzhen Zhang. Genome-Wide Mining, Characterization and Development of Microsatellites Marker in Gossypium Species. Scientific Reports 2015, 5:10638

4. Wang Yangkun, Zhiyuan Ning, Yan Hu, Jiedan Chen, Rui Zhao, Hong Chen, Nijiang Ai, Wangzhen Guo, Tianzhen Zhang. Molecular Mapping of Restriction-site Associated DNA Markers in Allotetraploid Upland Cotton. PLoS ONE, 2015, 10(4):e0124781. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0124781

5. Liu BL, YC Zhu;,Wangzhen Guo, Tianzhen Zhang. R3-MYB Gene GhCPC Negatively Regulates the Fiber Development. PLoS ONE, 2015, 10(2):e0116272. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.011627

6. Guizhen Liu, Hongxian Mei, Sen Wang, Xinghe Li, Xiefei Zhu, Tianzhen Zhang. Association Mapping of Seed Oil and Protein Contents in Upland Cotton. Euphytica, 2015, DOI: 10.1007/s10681-015-1450-z

7.Shan Chun-Min, Xiao-Xia Shangguan, Bo Zhao, Xiu-Fang Zhang, Lumen Chao, Xue-Ying Guan, Z. Jeffrey Chen, Chang-Qing Yang, Ling-Jian Wang, Hua-Yu Zhu, Yan-Da, Zeng, Wang-Zhen Guo, Bao-Liang Zhou, Jonathan F. Wendel,Tian-Zhen Zhangand Xiao-Ya Chen. Control of cotton fiber elongation by a homeodomain transcription factor, GhHOX3.Nature Communications, 2014,5:5519 DOI:10.1038/ncomms6519

8.Zhang Wenpan, Yujie Cao, Kai Wang, Ting Zhao, Jiedan Chen, Mengqiao Pan, Qiong Wang, Shouli Feng, Wangzhen Guo, Baoliang Zhou,Tianzhen Zhang. Identification of centromeric regions on the linkage map of cotton using centromere-related repeats.Genomics, 2014

9.Fang Lei, Ruiping Tian, Xinghe Li, Jiedan Chen, Sen Wang, Peng Wang, andTianzhen Zhang. Cotton fiber elongation network revealed by expression profiling of longer fiber lines introgressed with different Gossypium barbadense chromosome segments.BMC Genomics, 2014, 2014, 15:838, DOI: 10.1186/1471-2164-15-838

10.Wang C, YD Lv, WT Xu,TZ Zhang, WZ Guo. Aberrant phenotype and transcriptome expression during fiber cell wall thickening caused by the mutation of the Im gene in immature fiber (im) mutant inGossypium.BMC Genomics, 2014,15:94

11.Wan Qun, Hua Zhang, Wenxue Ye, Huaitong Wu andTianzhen Zhang. Genome-wide transcriptome profiling of fuzz initial development inGossypium hirsutum. L.PLoS ONE, 2014,9(5):e97313. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0097313

12.Fang Lei, Ruiping Tian, Jiedan Chen, Sen Wang, Xinghe Li, Peng Wang, andTianzhen Zhang. Transcriptomic Analysis of Fiber Strength in Upland Cotton Chromosome Introgression Lines Carrying DifferentGossypium barbadenseChromosomal Segments.PLoS ONE, 2014, 9(4):e94642. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0094642

13.Cao Zhibin,Peng Wang,Hong Chen, Xiefei Zhu,Tianzhen Zhang. Microsatellite-assisted improvement of fiber qualities inGossypium hirsutumusingG. barbadenseintrogressed lines.Theor Appl Genet, 2014,127:587–594

14.Chen Yu, Yingying Wang; Kai Wang; Xiefei Zhu; Wangzhen Guo;Tianzhen Zhang, Baoliang Zhou. Construction of a complete set of alien chromosome addition lines from Gossypium australe inGossypium hirsutum: morphological, cytological, and genotypic characterization.Theor Appl Genet, 2014,127:1105–1121

15.Cai CP, Ye WX,TZ Zhang, WZ Guo. Association analysis of fiber quality traits and exploration of elite alleles in Upland cotton cultivars/accessions (Gossypium hirsutum L.).J Integ Plant Biol,2014,56(1):51-62

16.Ning Zhiyuan, Rui Zhao, Hong Chen, Jun Zhao, Hongxian Mei,Tianzhen Zhang. Molecular tagging of QTLs for fiber quality and yield in Acala-Prema in Upland cotton.Euphytica, 2014,195:143-156 (DOI: 10.1007/s10681-013-0990-3)

17.Mei Hongxian, Nijiang Ai, Xin Zhang, Zhiyuan Ning,Tianzhen Zhang.QTLsConferring FOV 7 Resistance Detected by Linkage and Association Mapping in Upland Cotton.Euphytica, 2014,197:237–249

18.Liu Renzhong, Ai Nijiang, Zhu Xinxia, Liu Fengju, Guo Wangzhen,Zhang Tianzhen. Genetic Analysis of Plant Height by Using Two Immortalized Populations of “CRI12 × J8891” inGossypium hirsutumL.Euphytica, 2014,196:51-61

19.Saeed M, WZ Guo,TZ Zhang. Association mapping for salinity tolerance in cotton (Gossypium hirsutumL.) germplasm from US and diverse regions ofChina.Aus J Crop Sci, 2014, 8:3338-346

20.Wajad Nazeer, Saghir Ahmad, Khalid Mahmood, Abdul Latif Tipu, Abid Mahmood, Baoliang Zhou. Introgression of genes for cotton leaf curl virus resistance and increased fiber strength fromGossypium stocksiiinto upland cotton (G. hirsutum).Genetics and Mol Res,2014,

21.Wang Peng, Ning Zhiyuan, Lin Ling, Chen Hong, Mei Hongxian, Zhao Jun, Liu Bingliang, Zhang Xin, Guo Wangzhen,Zhang Tianzhen. Genetic dissection of tetraploid cotton resistance toVerticilliumwilt using inter-specific chromosome segment introgression lines.Crop J, 2014,2:278-28810.1016/j.cj.2014.06.007

22.Zhao Jun, Yulong Gao, Zhiyuan Zhang, Tianzi Chen, Wangzhen Guo,Tianzhen Zhang.A receptor-like kinase gene (GbRLK) fromGossypium barbadenseenhances salinity and drought-stress tolerance inArabidopsis.BMC Plant Biol., 2013,13:110

23.Mei Hongxian, XFZhu,Tianzhen Zhang.Favorable QTL Alleles for Yield and Its Components Identified by Association Mapping in Chinese Upland Cotton Cultivars. PLoS ONE, 2013,8:

24.Wang Kai, Wenpan Zhang, and Tianzhen Zhang. Systematic application of DNA fiber-FISH technique in cotton. PLoS ONE, 2013,8(9): e75674

25.Zhang Tianzhen, Neng Qin, Xiefei Zhu, Hong Chen, Sen Wang, Hongxian Mei, Yuanming Zhang. Variations and transmission of QTL alleles for yield and fiber qualities in Upland cotton cultivars developed inChina. PLoS ONE, 2013,8(2):e57220. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0057220

26.Zhang Hua, Qun Wan, Yuanda Lv, Huaitong Wu, Wangzhen Guo andTianzhen Zhang. A genome-wide analysis of small RNA and novel microRNA expressed during the initial development of fibers and seeds in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum). PLoS ONE, 2013,8(7): e69743

27.Tao Tao, Liang Zhao, Yuanda Lv, Jiedan Chen, Yan Hu,Tianzhen Zhang, Baoliang Zhou*.Transcriptome Sequencing and Differential Gene Expression Analysis of Delayed Gland Morphogenesis in Gossypium australe during Seed Germination. PLoS ONE, 2013,8(9):

28.Xian Guo, Yuping Guo, Jun Ma, Fang Wang, Mizhen Sun, Lijuan Gui, Jiajia Zhou, Xianliang Song, Xuezhen Sun,Tianzhen Zhang. Mapping heterotic loci for yield and agronomic traits using chromosome segment introgression lines in cotton. J Integ Plant Biol, 2013,55(8):759-774

29.Zhou Lei, Jun Zhao, Wangzhen Guo andTianzhen Zhang. Functional analysis of autophagy genes via agrobacterium-mediated transformation in the vascular wilt fungus Verticillium dahliae. Journal of Genetics and Genomics, 2013, 40:421-431 DOI information: 10.1016/j.jgg.2013.04.006

30.Ning Zhiyuan, Rui Zhao, Hong Chen, Nijiang Ai, Xin Zhang, Jun Zhao, Hongxian Mei, Peng Wang, Wangzhen Guo,Tianzhen Zhang. Molecular tagging of a major QTL for broad-spectrum resistance to Verticillium wilt in Prema in Upland cotton. Crop Sci, 2013,53(6): 2304-2312